Monday, August 22, 2011

Garlic Spinach Stir Fry 蒜炒菠菜

A little squeeze of Vitamin-C lemon into a dish of spinach, help us absorb the iron in spinach better. That is because spinach also contains oxalate/oxalic acid that bind with iron and inhibit iron absorption in our body. So by sneaking iron absorption enhancers such as lemon and orange into spinach at the same time, we extract iron from spinach more effectively.

Garlic Spinach with Fresh Orange Sacs and Zest
Ingredients: 1 teaspoon finely minced garlic; 1 box of baby spinach, rinsed; 1 tiny wedge of orange further sliced to tiny bits (Note: Make sure the orange is rinsed before slicing. I used organic orange - and still rinse the orange as the skin may still have dirt and residue); salt to taste

Directions: Heat a little oil in the pan, fry the garlic till aromatic. Then add the spinach and it takes just about 1 min to soften down and cook. Turn off heat. Pinch of salt to taste. Dish out and add the orange bits on top (Note1: You can also mix the orange bits in the stir-fried spinach so that the flavors are infused into the spinach)


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